
EHI Welcomes a New School

Because of the generosity of our donors, this year we are able to add Ban Nam Mong to our list of schools. The elementary school is a kindergarten to 6th grade with a total of just over 100 students.  It is a typical rural elementary school, but has been on the decline due to the lack of resources for the upkeep, maintenance of programs and meaningful educational activities.  The families that are able to afford the transportation costs, send their children to a larger nearby town where the school is better equipped and perceived to be doing a better job of servicing the students, resulting in only the extremely poor students who are left behind.  The administrators at the Ban Nam Mong School are looking forward to working with us and appreciate the positive international attention and  interest in their school.  Initially, there will be three students who will be receiving scholarship for the 2015 school year.  We continue to welcome your generosity so that we can add more needy students to our roster.